دانلودکتاب Environmental Epidemiology

در این انجمن به اپیدمیولوژی اخبار بهداشت بهداشت مدارس ارشد بهداشت دکتری بهداشت همایش بهداشت استخدام بهداشت استاندارد بهداشت میپردازید.

مدیر انجمن: naderloo

ارسال پست
نمایه کاربر
مدیر کل
مدیر کل
پست: 2793
تاریخ عضویت: 08 نوامبر 2008 00:00
حالت من: Khaste
محل اقامت: تهران

دانلودکتاب Environmental Epidemiology

پست توسط naderloo »

[LEFT]Environmental Epidemiology-Understanding Public Health Edited by Paul Wilkinson[/LEFT]

[LEFT]Publication Date: March 1, 2006 | ISBN-10: 0335218423 | ISBN-13: 978-0335218424 | Edition: 1 | 2, 218 MB[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Book Description
The impact of the environment on human health is of growing concern to the public, politicians and public health practitioners. Epidemiology offers a way of investigating and measuring potential hazards, from local sources of pollution to global climate changes. It allows real effects to be distinguished from chance associations. This book describes the methods available for public health practitioners to enable investigations to be carried out and how findings should be interpreted to ensure that the most appropriate policies are adopted. The book examines: Air pollution; Clusters of cases of ill-health; Radiation and hazardous waste; Water and health; and Climate change. Contributors: Mike Ahern, Ben Armstrong, Araceli Busby, Pat Doyle, Shakoor Hajat, Sari Kovats, and Paul Wilkinson. Series Editors: Rosalind Plowman and Nicki Thorogood[/LEFT]

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